Guest Admit Tickets


Guest Admit tickets are required for all whenever the commencement ceremony is held indoors. If a ceremony is held in Hughes Stadium, no guest tickets are required.

The Graduate School Commencement in the Spring is held in the Murphy Fine Arts Center and tickets are required.

Graduate School graduation candidates will receive 6 Guest Tickets.

The Undergraduate Ceremony is in Hughes Stadium.  Tickets are only required if there is inclement weather and the ceremony is moved indoors.  Undergraduate candidates will receive 5 Guest Tickets if it rains.

This number is based on the legal maximum capacity of the indoor facility, the number of graduating candidates, and the recommendation from the Morgan State University Fire Marshal.

All guest tickets are distributed evenly to graduation candidates. There are no extra tickets.  Tickets are not sold. Candidates needing additional tickets for their guests may ask their fellow graduates for any unused tickets.

All guests must present a Guest Admit Ticket for scanning in order to be admitted into an indoor ceremony. Every person must have a Guest Admit Ticket regardless of age (this includes infants & children). Ticket scanning provides the University quick and accurate attendance figures and controls holders of fraudulent, duplicate, or otherwise invalid Guest Admit Tickets from entering the indoor facility where the commencement is being held.


Masking and social distancing guidelines and protocols will be determined by Baltimore City and Maryland State guidelines and laws at that time.

  • For Fall 2021 Commencement, face masks will be worn by ALL in attendance.
  • Families are encouraged to sit together in pods and distance from other groups.