Spring Ceremony for the Graduate School

All graduate degrees (Masters & Doctoral) for 2020 and Spring 2021 will graduate on Friday, May 14, 2020, starting at 2:30 p.m. in Hughes Memorial Stadium.

The ceremony will be outdoors. Due to the pandemic and the reduced number of allowed guests for outdoor events, as stipulated by executive order of the Mayor of Baltimore and the Baltimore City Health Department, each graduate will receive two tickets for guests. There are no reserved seats in Hughes Stadium, however, all guests in attendance will be required to wear masks and adhere to all COVID-19 safety protocols and social distancing during the scheduled events.

Guest Admit Tickets Required

Please view important information regarding Guest Tickets.

Complete Online

For contract tracing purposes (if needed), we ask all guests attending the commencement exercises to complete the form linked here. Please fill out online and submit once completed.

Commencement Day Reminders

for graduates

  • Do not bring briefcases, or any other personal items, as they cannot be stored during Commencement.
  • Check the weather report. If rain is in the forecast, bring an umbrella
  • Wear business or business-casual attire with comfortable—though formal—footwear.
  • Wait until you arrive at lineup to put on your cap and gown.
  • All degree candidates in attendance are expected to stay for the entire ceremony.


8:00 a.m. Faculty should arrive at the Murphy Fine Arts Center by this time.

8:30 a.m. Students will assemble in the Murphy Fine Arts Center. They will, with the assistance of marshals, assemble by college/school.

9:20 a.m. School processions begin.

10:00 a.m. Main ceremony begins. The main ceremony includes the procession of the platform party, a Commencement speaker and student address, induction of the graduates into the Alumni Association, and the conferral of the degrees.

Determining Eligibility

Candidates completing degree requirements between _______ and _______ are invited to participate in Spring Commencement. Candidates for all master’s, doctorate, should attend the graduate ceremony. Candidates for all associate and bachelor’s degrees should attend the undergraduate ceremony.

Candidates who have completed degree requirements between _______ and _______ are invited to participate in the Winter Commencement ceremony.


Guest Seating

Guest seating is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Ushers will be stationed throughout the building to direct all guests to the best possible seats.

Special seating is available for guests in wheelchairs and with limited mobility. Check ADA accommodations to learn more.


The Processional
Will leave the assembly locations and move into place by 9:20 AM.

Guests should be in their seats by 9:00 AM as access to certain areas will be restricted after this time until the processional has concluded.

Graduates should remain standing upon reaching their seats.

Welcome from the President


Hymn – “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing

Welcome from the Board of Regents

Salute to the Graduates

Conferring of Degrees in Course
Doctorate and Master’s Degree Recipients

Induction into the Morgan State Alumni Association

Singing of the Alma Mater
Graduates and guests will be led in the singing of the alma mater.


Graduates should remain seated until the marshals signal their rows to rise and join the recessional line. The lines will move out after the faculty.

As a courtesy to all those attending commencement, graduates and guests are asked to refrain from using horns and other noisemakers during the ceremony.