1. When should I start planning for the graduation ceremony?
It is never too early to plan for graduation. You can access academic related graduation information from the Registrar, your department/chair, and the Morgan State Commencement website:
2. I have met with my academic advisor, and have been cleared to register for graduation. Where do I register for graduation?
The graduation application can be found in Banner/Websis. Degree candidates must login to Banner/Websis and click on the Apply To Graduate tab. Make sure to select the correct date of graduation.
3. Where do I purchase my Academic regalia (cap & gown)?
Regalia is handled by the Morgan Barnes and Noble Bookstore.
Doctoral students
To order, please visit
Please contact the vendor early, as a custom doctoral regalia order can take a while.
Bachelor and Masters Students
To order, please visit
4. If I have more questions about Commencement – whom do I contact?
Certification – Office of the Registrar
Academic Regalia – Morgan State University Bookstore
Graduation Portraits – The Office of Student Life and Development
Graduation Clearance – Your department/college/school
5. Where can I find more information about Commencement?
Information about the Commencement ceremony can be found on the Morgan State Commencement website: Degree candidates must also set up an appointment with their department/college/school and contact the Office of the Registrar to be cleared.
6. Where do I get my Latin Honors or Honors College stole for Commencement?
Students who qualify for Latin Honors will have their floor pass stamped with the honor for which they have qualified; your school/college graduation coordinator will give you the corresponding stole when you pick up your packet at the Commencement Corner.
Students who qualify for Clara I. Adams Honors College stoles will receive them directly from the Clara I. Adams Honors College team.
Information for International Students
7. Who do I contact to obtain a University invitation for my international guests?
International students who are graduation candidates and need a University invitation for their international guests, please contact Dr. Yacob Astatke in the Morgan State Office of International Affairs.
8. How many Commencement exercises are scheduled each year?
There are three ceremonies that occur each academic year. Please check the Morgan State University Academic Calendar for the exact dates:
- Fall Commencement Exercise (Combined Graduate School & Undergraduate)
- Spring Commencement Exercises for the Graduate School
- Spring Commencement Exercises for Undergraduates
9. Why is there more than one annual Commencement ceremony at Morgan?
There is one official Commencement Exercise in December for both undergraduate and graduate degree candidates. The Spring Commencement exercises include two official ceremonies, one ceremony is for the School of Graduate Studies degree candidates and the second ceremony is for Undergraduate Degree candidates.
10. What ceremony should I attend as a prospective undergraduate degree candidate?
It is the policy of Morgan State University that only candidates who have applied for graduation by the published deadline, who have completed all academic requirements for graduation, and who have satisfied all financial obligations to the University may participate in the Commencement ceremonies. If you will graduate in December, you will participate in the Fall Commencement exercise held in December. If you will graduate in May and are an undergraduate, you will participate in the undergraduate ceremony held in May.
11. I can’t make any of the Commencement ceremonies this year. Can I participate in another ceremony at another time?
University policy states that students must participate in the corresponding ceremony for which their degree is conferred. The University policy on Commencement participation can be found within the Institution’s Academic Catalog.
12. I have a family member who needs a wheelchair. What should I do?
The University does not provide wheelchairs, but does provide a wheelchair accessible seating area. Please check the morning of Commencement with a Morgan usher who can direct you to this area. The wheelchair area is limited and can only accommodate one guest accompanying the handicap person. Please plan to arrive early to make sure you can take your guest in the wheelchair to the appropriate area.
13. Will there be sign language interpreters for students and guests who are deaf or hard of hearing?
The University does provide deaf interpreters on the Commencement stage, as well as a reserved seating area for guests that is close to the stage. Please check the morning of Commencement with a Morgan usher who can direct you to this area.
14. Who do I contact for reasonable accommodations when attending Commencement?
Morgan State University Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students, employees, and visitors with disabilities or pregnancies.
For information please contact:
Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity
15. Where should I park for Commencement?
All University parking lots, including ADA accessible parking, will be available for use on Commencement day. Please go to for more information.
16. Will the Commencement Ceremony be live streamed?
A live stream of each ceremony will always be accessible via the University’s Commencement page. The live stream is available also to accommodate those family members and friends who exceed the number of Guest Admit Tickets available – when required for indoor ceremonies.
17. Are masks required for everyone during Commencement?
Masking and social distancing guidelines and protocols will be determined by Baltimore City and Maryland State guidelines and laws at that time. Please check the University web pages for updated information.
18. When are Morgan Commencement ceremonies held indoors?
The Fall Commencement exercise is always held indoors. For Spring, in case of severe inclement weather, an announcement will be made if the ceremony will be held indoors, delayed or rescheduled. Please check the Morgan website for additional information.
19. Where do I find out about Commencement arrangements if there is severe inclement weather the day of graduation?
Information about severe inclement weather is located on the Morgan State University website: If there is inclement weather the day of Commencement, WEAA, the Morgan State radio station, will have more information.
20. Do I need guest admit tickets for all my guests, including an infant when ceremonies are held indoors?
Yes. When a ceremony is held indoors, all guests, regardless of age, require a guest admit ticket to enter the venue.
21. What should I know about bringing a toddler to a Commencement event?
Bringing a toddler to a college graduation ceremony can be a personal decision that depends on various factors, including the child’s temperament, the length of the ceremony, and your own comfort level with managing a young child in a potentially formal setting. Here are some considerations to help you decide whether it’s a good idea to bring a toddler to a college graduation ceremony:
- Duration of the ceremony: College graduation ceremonies can be quite long, often lasting a few hours. Young children, especially toddlers, may have a limited attention span and may become restless or fussy during a lengthy event.
- Formality of the Event: College graduation ceremonies are typically formal occasions, with specific protocols and etiquette to follow. You may need to consider whether your toddler can handle sitting quietly and behaving appropriately in such a setting.
- Noise and Crowds: Graduation ceremonies can be crowded and noisy, which may overwhelm some toddlers. Consider whether your child is comfortable in large crowds and noisy environments.
- Logistics: Think about how you will manage taking care of your toddler during the ceremony. Will you have another adult to help you if your child becomes restless or needs attention? Are there facilities available for diaper changes or feeding if needed?
- Impact on Others: Consider how your toddler’s presence might affect other attendees at the graduation ceremony. Crying, tantrums, or disruptions from a young child can be distracting for those around you.
- Alternative Arrangements: If you’re unsure about bringing your toddler to the graduation ceremony, you could consider arranging for childcare during the event or watching a live stream of the ceremony from home.
Ultimately, the decision to bring a toddler to a college graduation ceremony depends on your individual circumstances and your child’s behavior. If you do decide to bring your toddler, it may be helpful to come prepared with snacks, toys, and other items to help keep your child occupied and comfortable during the event.
22. Can my infant or child, accompany me across the stage?
Only the graduating student may cross the stage. No one else. Infants and children of any age cannot be held by fellow students as graduates cross the stage nor can they walk with a graduating student.
23. Childcare is a challenge. Can my infant/child/children sit in the audience to wait for me or wait for me backstage?
Unaccompanied minors at any time are prohibited. Infants and children cannot be left unattended, nor left with staff even temporarily. Students must make childcare arrangements or invite guests to attend who can accompany children that are minors.
24. Where and when do I receive guest admit tickets if Commencement is held indoors?
Whenever guest admit tickets are required, they are distributed the day before the scheduled Commencement exercise in your Graduation Packet (Certification Card & Guest Admit Tickets) by your school’s Graduation Coordinator.
For Undergraduates: The Commencement Corner Event will be held in Hill Field House from 9 am to 12 noon.
If you are unable to pick up your packet the day before Commencement, please arrive early on Commencement Day to pick up your Certification Card and Guest Admit tickets from the table set up by the Office of Registrar in the Commencement area.
For the School of Graduate Studies: Please check with the Graduate School. However, in the Fall, a Commencement Corner Event will be held the day before Commencement in Hill Field House where students can obtain their graduation packet.
Please be advised that if you are not able to pick up your graduation packet at the designated time, you can pick up your packet the morning of Commencement. Please arrive early.
25. How many guest admit tickets do I receive?
Whenever we have an indoor Commencement ceremony, there is a limit to the number of guest admit tickets that graduating students can receive. This is due to the number of students graduating and the capacity of our Morgan facilities.
Graduate School Applicants – # of Guest Tickets – TBD
Undergraduate Applicants – # of Guest Tickets – TBD
All tickets are distributed evenly to all graduation candidates. There are no extra tickets.
Please check the University Commencement web pages for updated guest ticket information as we get closer to the Commencement date.
26. Where do I find information about rehearsals?
In lieu of having a physical, in-person rehearsal, all degree candidates are encouraged to view our Commencement Information and Rehearsal videos before the Commencement exercises. These videos will give important information on how to dress for Commencement, how to wear your regalia, where to line up, how to be robed during the exercise, and much more.
27. How do I get my Graduation Packet?
Certification Packet – Picking up your Cards and Guest Tickets
Students must obtain their packets by visiting and contacting their perspective Graduation Coordinators on campus. These are the coordinators affiliated with your school or college where you are earning your diploma. For example, students earning a degree from the School of Business should see the coordinator for the School of Business.
In an effort to accommodate candidates, Morgan sponsors a Commencement Corner Event. This is an event for graduation degree candidates where they can pick up their Graduation Packets, have exit interviews, ask questions about regalia/robing, and obtain other Commencement information, etc. under one roof. Please check the Commencement website for the exact dates and times.
28. What is in a Graduation Packet?
The Certification Packet consists of the following:
- GUEST ADMIT TICKETS (Only needed if we meet indoors)
If you are unable to pick up your packet the day before Commencement, please arrive early on Commencement Day to pick up your Certification Card and Guest Admit tickets from the table set up by the Office of Registrar in the Commencement area.
Certification Card:
Each degree candidate will be issued one (1) certification card. Only that degree candidate can use the certification card issued to participate in the University’s Commencement exercises. The certification card will bear the degree candidate’s name and discipline (and Latin honors, if earned) and a special code that prevents duplication of the card. Once degree candidates receive the certification card, they should secure the card in a safe place.
Degree candidates must bring the certification card on Graduation Day. Degree candidates WILL NOT be admitted to participate in the University’s Commencement exercises without their certification card.
Guest Admit Tickets – All tickets are distributed evenly to all graduation candidates. There are no extra tickets. Tickets are never sold and are not for sale.
Graduate School degree candidates, please check with the Graduate School regarding where and when to obtain your Graduation Packet.
29. What time do I need to arrive for the Commencement exercise?
Students are asked to arrive at the selected assembly area no later than 8:30 am.
30. Where do I line up on Graduation Day for the Commencement exercises?
Typical for the Fall Commencement exercises, the degree candidates report to the University Student Center no later than 8:30 AM. For the Spring Commencement Exercises, degree candidates typically line up, by school, outside of Tyler Hall. Before graduation day, please check for location information on the Morgan State Commencement website:
31. Where should I park for Commencement?
All University parking lots, including ADA accessible parking, will be available for use on Commencement day. Please go to for more information.
32. I graduated last month and I would like an extra Commencement program. Where can I get one?
Commencement program booklets are available digitally on the Morgan Commencement website.
33. When do I receive my graduation diploma?
Diplomas are mailed to students who have been cleared and have fulfilled all of their University obligations based on the following schedule:
Winter Conferral – mid-February
Spring Conferral – mid-June
Summer Conferral – mid-September
Fall Conferral – mid-January
If you have any questions about diplomas, please contact
34. What items are prohibited at a Morgan State University Commencement?
The following items are prohibited for ALL individuals (faculty, administration, staff, graduates, other participants and patrons, etc.) attending the Commencement ceremonies:
- alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs carried in by patrons
- glass bottles or metal containers
- ice chests or large coolers
- bota bags or wine skins
- sticks, bats, or clubs, including any attachments
- fireworks, firearms, or other weapons or simulated weapons
- bullhorns or other artificial noisemakers
- framed backpacks
- animals other than certified guide dogs for the disabled
- balloons, drones, or other airborne devices
- food and beverages
- cell phones that are not turned off or placed on vibrate
35. What should my guests know about the weather for May Commencement?
Dress for Weather
Baltimore weather can vary widely from sunny and hot to cold and rainy in mid-May. When Commencement is outdoors, dress comfortably, keeping in mind the weather. Please bring umbrellas, hats, sunscreen, raincoats, etc. as necessary